by J. Solomon Kostelnik
"Be subject therefore to God.
But resist the devil, and he will flee from you."
From James 4:7 and beyond, 333 pages of in-depth study of Scripture
Recognize they aren't in control of their life
Long for rescue from their self-sabotage
Have self-respect and want real validation
Don't want to be victims
Want justice for themselves and others
Root for the underdog & outcast
Desire maturity in all areas of life
Yearn for their suffering to be meaningful
Want to please their Creator
It begins and ends with Yahweh, the Creator of everything. Surrendering to Him rescues us from the Devil into the Kingdom of God's Son, and protects us from all of Satan's threats and accusations. One who has been born again of God has removed himself from the Devil's domain.
Once we've submitted ourselves to God, we enter a new freedom in His Son--where our will is no longer a slave to Satan or sin. The Holy Spirit then comes upon and empowers us to do as our new nature desires! Satan fears that which he can no longer deceive or intimidate.
In Jesus, freed from death and its fear, we now live for a new purpose; we gladly control ourselves for God and His will. We may be able to do all things, but should we? Our love for Christ will guide us and fulfill us; and our resisting the Devil for Jesus' sake makes Satan flee in terror!
Living righteously according to God's voice often comes with a price: suffering in this fallen age ruled by Satan, sometimes even to death (but for a great and eternal purpose). The Devil constantly perverts all truth, but the Holy Spirit lets us discern his lies. Satan has an end--and it's just as bad as him!
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